Wing NeedleTM helps to reduce the pain associated with distension and / or
manipulation of the uterine cavity during hysteroscopic gynecological procedures
Length of needle tip is 5mm; unique curved design allows for easier access to base of pathology and tubal ostia
Innovative design allows the Wing NeedleTM to be safely introduced through the 5-French working channel of any standard operative hysteroscope
Needle tip blocks deep penetration into uterine wall, significantly decreasing risk of perforation
Visible markings every 3mm allow for easy measurement of intrauterine pathology
Anaesthesia delivery into the Wing Needle
*Photo Courtesy of Dr. L. Mikulasek M.D., CMIGO & CLM
Prague, Czech Republic
Wing NeedleTM – Clinical Rationale
By injecting local anaesthesia via the intra or paracervical route only, the nerves in the
upper part of the uterus remain un-anaesthetised and therefore susceptible to pain during
endometrial ablation or other hysteroscopic procedures1. (See Fig 1.)
By introducing local anaesthesia hysteroscopically into the fundus using Wing Needle,
the nerves to the upper part of the uterus are also blocked1. (See Fig 2.)
“Through a combination of a paracervical block and a fundal block, the latter placed in the submucosal myometrium during the preoperative hysteroscopy, it is possible to establish a globally active local anaesthesia, the “Global–Local”,which makes procedures such as endometrial ablation safely performable in a low-tech out-of-hospital office setting with very little discomfort to the patient and without need of additional anaesthetics, sedatives and tranquilizing agents, anaesthesiological support or recovery facilities.”
1. Skensved, H. Global-local anaesthesia: combining paracervical block with intramyometrial prilocaine in the fundus significantly reduces patients’ perception of pain during radio-frequency endometrial ablation (Novasure®) in an office setting.Gynecol. Surg (2012); 9:207-212.
CODE: | 400101 |
Canada – 400102 | |
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