
With hypomenorrhea judged as a satisfactory end point, our follow up showed high levels of patient satisfaction. These rates are equal to other ablation devices. The hysterectomy rate was significantly reduced and lower than with other ablation techniques. Because of the balloon technology employed by Thermablate, the cavities of most patients remain open, ie. any post menopausal bleeding will be revealed, not concealed.

 Martin C Powell, FRCOG, FRCS, DM


The balloon takes the shape of the uterine cavity, allowing treatment of an irregular uterine cavity, if necessary, when other ablation devices may not be suitable. 


Miss Shilpa Kolhe, MD, DGO, DFFP, MRCOG, Lead Consultant for Ambulatory Gynaecology Royal Derby Hospital


I have exclusively used the Thermablate system for my endometrial ablations for the last seven or so years. I have found this to be a highly effective, day case way of managing menorrhagia that has failed to respond to conservative medical treatment. Thermablate is simple to use, rarely malfunctions and is easily taught to trainees. Unlike other methods of endometrial ablation available, Thermablate is associated with very few clinically relevant side effects.


S. Eckford, MD Consulting Gynaecologist, North Devon Healthcare Trust, UK


I have had excellent outcomes with the device and the majority of my ladies are amenorrheic following treatment. All my ladies are extremely
with outcome at review 8 weeks post-treatment. I perform the procedure under general anaesthesia at present, but may look to moving to outpatient setting in due course.

B. Williams – Consulting Gynaecologist, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, UK


I find it a very easy and effective endometrial ablation device. The outcomes following treatment have been very good. It is effective with
patients;  significant reduction in menstrual bleeding is experienced.


C. J. Davis, MC FRCOG Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist,Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Minimal Access Surgery